Umkhomazi  is a small reserve not often frequented by hikers and I always consider it to be a hidden gem – it lies between Highmoor and Lotheni and is an easy drive from Nottingham Road.
I had the pleasure of meeting Morgan and Monique together with old friend Roger, and the 4 of us set off on a cool and overcast day.  Although it’s a fairly short 8km hike to the cave, it’s a sustained climb of some 700 metres,  so we took our time and enjoyed the scenery around us.  A cold front  had arrived the day before and snow on the high peaks was anticipated.  The temperature grew colder as we climbed higher and when we reached  the final ridge before the descent to the cave, we had  high hopes of seeing snow on the mountains before us.  Unfortunately the escarpment was covered in a thick layer of grey cloud, so no snow sightings - perhaps we would be lucky the following day.  Mckenzies is a large sandstone cave, set on the edge of a high plateau that overlooks rolling scenery.  We  had lunch and a hot drink before going for a walk -   it was warming up as the sun was showing its face and we enjoyed the amazing gullies and waterfall near the cave.  There was certainly plenty of water about due to the recent rains.  We collected water from a small stream in front of the cave and then settled in and made ourselves comfortable. This was Monique’s introductory hike to the Berg and she brought some red wine and spices to celebrate and share with us.  As the sun set, temperatures plummeted and the gluwein certainly helped to warm everyone.  The conversation was lively and interesting!  We were all tucked up by 9.00pm and  I for one enjoyed a comfortable warm night.
The next morning was clear and we climbed to the area on top of the cave to enjoy the views – there was quite a bit of snow on the mountains although it appeared to be thicker towards Giants Castle and northwards of that.  Morgan discovered a most interesting plaque complete with a small bottle of whisky that had been placed there.  A beautiful resting place. ( photo courtesy of Morgan)
We packed up and made a leisurely return to the office –to round off her first Berg experience Monique found the shedded skin of a Rinkhals on the path.   This was a lovely relaxed hike with good company and beautiful views – thanks guys!

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