On a hike to Kamberg a while ago, we ended up tenting on a buttress past Sinclair cave that overlooked the Nzinga River valley.  We thought at the time that it would be good someday to explore it.  So when we were thinking of a new place to hike recently, this came to mind.  The plan was to hike from Mkhomazi and head up past Cyprus Cave and from there up the Nzinga River to where the valley narrows.  From here we would climb out and find a place to tent on the  Ka-Malungana ridge which stretches all the way back to Mkhomazi.  We were joined by Mavis and it was great to have her company!

The day promised to be hot and by the time we reached Cyprus Cave, we were all looking forward to taking a break in the shade of the cave.  Mavis lost no time in taking a refreshing dip in the pool ( as she did several times during the hike) and I was  somewhat tempted - but  its such a mission to take off gaiters, socks and boots etc that I gave that a miss.  I was ultimately the loser!

We followed a path most of the way that initially crossed the Nzinga and stayed on the one side.  We lost the path here and there, and eventually re-crossed the river towards midday when we stopped for lunch.  We were climbing slowly but surely and the path became more obscure the higher we walked. Huge patches of bramble were the flavour of the day and we had to make many detours to avoid the worst of them.  As the valley started to narrow we eventually climbed out.  I took one look at the hill and wondered how I would persuade my tired legs to ascend, but its amazing what mind over matter can do!  Richard spotted a tent spot down a steep slope where a stream was running and we made our home for the night there.  Not a moment too soon as the  dark clouds that had been threatening came over and it started to rain.  In between showers of rain we went to have a wash and collect water.  We sat outside and enjoyed the views and were also treated to a rainbow.  The rain, accompanied by lots of thunder and lightning came and went for several hours that evening.

The next morning was misty but soon cleared up to reveal hot blue skies.  We walked back, hoping to explore a bit more of what we call the canyon - an area discovered on a previous hike.  This is an amazing canyon that is quite hidden.  Unfortunately we took the wrong valley back so this will have to wait for another time. Coming across a large herd of Eland made up for this and  was so special to see, especially with the increased level of poaching that is happening now.  We arrived back hot and tired but feeling that we had done some exercise and more importantly,  escaped the  worries of the world for a  few hours!
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