I have just joined the Mountain Club of South Africa ( MCSA) and joined leader Roger and other hikers on a trip to the Bushmans Nek area.  From the beginning of the preceding week, the weather forecast had been looking doubtful and quite a few people dropped out. We nonetheless drove down to Bushmans Nek on the Friday under overcast skies and  just as we were about to leave for the hut, there was a huge rumble of thunder and it started raining. Out came the rain gear!  Its a short walk to the hut which is the last one on the Giants Cup Trail and very close to the border post.  I had last been there many years previously and was pleasantly surprised to see that it has been refurbished and cleaned up and now offers basic but clean accommodation. We settled in and awaited the arrival of the others.  The plan was to hike to Whytes Cave the next day, always a favourite cave of mine.  It would be a first time for many of the others and I was sure they would be impressed!

The next morning was grey and misty and we were not at all sure how the day would progress weather wise.  However, we were very lucky as it never rained although the mist persisted for most of the morning.  We had to rely on GPS as we turned off the Giants Cup Trail,  as the path comes and goes and it is very difficult to route find in fog - I have got lost in this area before in the same conditions!  As we neared the cave, it cleared up and we were soon unpacked and enjoying a hot drink.  Some braved a wash in the pool that is adjacent to the cave.  I am not that brave and made do with a quick 'wet wipe' clean up!  Although it is the beginning of the rainy season, not enough rain has been received yet and the flow of the waterfall was quite small.  As evening fell, the mist rolled in again  and we settled in for the night.

Our last day was much better weather wise with the sun showing itself through the clouds now and then.  We walked back admiring the views we had not seen clearly the day before and were back at the office by lunchtime.  It was great to meet and hike with a fun group so a big thanks to all!

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