We returned two months later to Kamberg and were treated to perfect weather conditions.  Although chilly in the mornings and evening, I had expected  far worse for July. We approached Christmas Shelter with a slight sense of anxiety and were relieved and delighted to see the paintings that had eluded us on our previous visit.  These are the only paintings that I know of that are displayed on the ceiling - no excuse I know for not having noticed them the first time!  Sadly they are slowly fading but we were still able to view the beautiful drawings and indeed, the more we studied them, the more we saw.   We also paid a return visit to the Willems Shelter and managed to capture the large panel of drawings that are situated quite high up - I didn't have the right camera lens for this previously.  The myriad little valleys and streams in this area are a treat to explore and we returned via The Three Bears the following day -  this rounded off a most successful visit!
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